Colourized map of the 'Alaska Line' released by the Alaska Steamship Company

"A Good-Natured Map of Alaska"
Map: Alaska Steamship Co.
Seattle, Washington
In 1934, $80 would have bought you a first-class round-trip ticket to Alaska. Yours to enjoy was all the meals, dancing and sightseeing that the Alaska Steamship Company could muster in the middle of the Great Depression. The all-inclusive 9 to 37-day luxury cruise and tour packages were available between May and September. Ships sailing the All-American route to the Arctic Circle departed every Saturday from Pier 2 in Seattle, Washington.

"A Globe-Trotter's Dream Come True!"
Clip: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (1934)
Fairbanks, Alaska
Months after it was released in January 1934, the Good-Natured Map of Alaska had finally arrived at the northern ports. For 10 cents (the price of postage), the Alaska Steamship Company sent you their unique colourized map that promoted all the best that Alaska had to offer... a globe-trotter's dream come true!
The Good-Natured Map was a hot item in its day. It features random facts and the line's inside passage route to Alaska. Legendary Soapy Smith is represented on the map as well as the Dangerous Dan McGrew from the pen of Vancouver Island's poet, Robert W. Service. Even Charlie Chaplin's character from his hilarious silent film 'The Gold Rush' has its place. The map was also considered to have educational value in its time and was distributed for free to elementary schools across the continent to educate young children about the legends and the land of the midnight sun.

"Alaska Steamship Company"
Clip: The World (1939)
Coos Bay, Oregon
In 1971, the Alaska Steamship Co. wrapped up business when it fell victim to technological change. Old fashioned steamers were no longer capable of competing with the fast tug and barge services in Alaska. The line had been carrying passengers and freight to Alaska since 1889.