A good day fishing that required a new license to fish.
"1934::Steelhead Fishing on Stamp River, Vancouver Island"
Photo Clip: (tbd)
Photographer: Frank Giolma (1878-1968)
In the 1930s, the BC government introduced measures to protect its highly valued fish and game. It required all sports fishermen, including women and young men over 18, to carry an angling license while fishing in the province's freshwater lakes and streams. For one dollar, a season's pass allowed the holder to fish anywhere in the province up to the 52nd parallel, the 53rd and above being free from licensing restrictions. As the province continued to weather the Great Depression, it granted special permits at no cost to those who fished to put food on their table. For out-of-province visitors, one licence would cost the angler one dollar per day up to ten days, or 10 dollars for the season. Proceeds of the licensing fees were devoted to fish conservation and the restocking of BC streams.
"1934::A Day's Catch in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia"
Photo Clip: (tbd)
Photographer (and fisherman): Frank Giolma (1878-1968)
The government reduced the catch limit for sport fishing in tidal waters from 25 fish to 15, but only in the late 1940s was it considered that anglers should be licensed. On April 1, 1981, all anglers fishing in tidal water required a Tidal-Water Sport Fishing License.
"1981::New License and Regulations" Clip: The Province (1981)
Vancouver, British Columbia
With the new licensing requirements came new regulations. The previous year, the government sent polls and fishing diaries to the province's sports fishermen and asked them to complete and return them. These returned items helped to structure the new regulations. They also helped the government determine that the amount of fish being taken from the waters by sports fishermen almost tripled that of what the commercial fishermen were taking. With that information, it was clear that a new license and new regulations were necessary to protect the tidal waters of the province.