Two photos, a quarter of a century apart and decades after the Great Fire.

"City Skyline: Vancouver, British Columbia" Top Photo (1899): Vancouver Board of Trade
Bottom Photo (1923): Vancouver Archives (CVA 1504-3)
Two photographs of Vancouver's harbour and city skyline, taken from the same viewpoint nearly a quarter of a century apart.
When the City of Vancouver was destroyed by a great fire in 1886, its people wasted no time rebuilding whatever was lost. Large tourism and development projects were launched. These two photos represent the rapid growth at which the city recovered from devastation.

"Vancouver CPR Depot (the 2nd Vancouver CPR building)"
Photo: Vancouver Board of Trade (1899)
If you zoom in on the 1899 skyline photo above (top of page) you will see this building just off-centre to the left of the photo. It does not appear in the 1923 skyline photo because it was replaced in 1914.

"Sketch of The Great Fire of Vancouver, BC"
Sketch: Public Domain (1886)
As many as a thousand buildings were destroyed in Vancouver and surrounding area, essentially leveling the city to ruins. This story is for another day.