Do you have a history-based story and can't find a suitable platform to share it? We'd love to read it. This entire Papertown Station project is about reading and writing great short stories (a quest we are trying to achieve). We offer you this space to tell your story about any historical event you wish to share. It could be a love story, a story of an adventure, a disaster, a cherished moment, a lost pet, a difficult situation, your first memory, or a story passed down from your family's elders. Whatever it is, we would love to hear it.
Some simple guidelines:
Keep it under 300-500 words. The simpler, the better.
Include any related supporting proof (if you have any).
Ask permission from anyone who appears in any photos being uploaded.
For public safety, avoid using full names and initials or first names only. Consider using fake names.
We all have a million stories to tell. Tell us why you chose the one you did.
Be mindful that your post will be publicly displayed and that you are responsible for protecting your safety and the safety of those in your story.
You take full responsibility for what you upload on this public website.
If you prefer, you're welcome to contact us privately. We are here to help!
Happy Writing!
🚂Papertown Conductor