When I began this blog writing project in 2017, I hastily put together this little website and forgot all about it. Life took me in a different direction, but I have always had one foot in my research for my family tree. When Covid hit, and I lost my job, I saw it as an opportunity to return to my little project. Because my blog was yet to be completed, I launched my idea using a Facebook-only blog. As it turned out, it was a good idea. I gathered a few followers who read my stories, and in this process, I learned that not all stories are meant for all readers (remember when everyone in the family had a favourite section of the newspaper? That!). My solution was to launch several other topic-based Facebook pages that branch off the Papertown Station page. These individual topic-based pages better-suited readers who were not impressed with the drama-filled stories in their newsfeeds and preferred to read only about cars (From A to B), boats (Afloat), or bizarre phenomena (Outlandish Coast). Topics that they were interested in. This website brings the stories of all of those pages together, and they can be found in the main blog called All Aboard, accessible in the main menu at the top of every page. You will also find a link to 'PAGES' in the same menu. PAGES provides a complete list of the topics-based Facebook pages and links you to stories shared exclusively on those pages.
Thank you for following along! 🚂Papertown Conductor